It was 500 years ago when a boy named Inigo was born in the Basque country of Northern Spain in 1491. Living in a small castle because of his noble birth, the boy grew up to be well educated, with fondness for cloths, beautiful ladies and the unflinching sounds of battle. He thought of himself as a great soldier, and he was indeed one. Although he thought himself to be great lover, it seems that God had different plans for Inigo of Loyola.
While Jesuits were opening schools and colleges across Europe (hence nicknamed as the schoolmasters of Europe) St. Francis Xavier, a close friend of Ignatius came to Goa in 1542 and started many schools. Then he went to many places in south India.
Wounded in the battle of Pamplona in 1521 against the French, he resumed to his couch, enduring much pain and boredom. While convalescing he realized the folly of serving an earthly king and decided to serve the heavenly king.
Over the years, many of them would take St. Francis Xavier as their patron because he also, like Ignatius, became a Saint. Today many thousands of Indians have received education from the institutions named after Father Xavier at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Jaipur, Patna, Ranchi, and Hazaribagh etc.
Gradually by God’s grace he was transformed and set his steps on the rocky path that would lead him to Salamanca, Paris, Venice, Jerusalem and Rome.
Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS) was registered as a separate educational society under the Societies Registration Act 1860.
A new religious order Society of Jesus came into being in the Catholic Church, one that would spread throughout the world. By this time he was known as Ignatius of Loyola who received from Pope Julius III, a decree proclaiming that he and his little group of nine followers would be known as the “Society of Jesus” in the year 1540 in Rome. A new religious order came into being in the Catholic Church, one that would spread throughout the world and have profound effects on many lives.
Xavier Institute of Polytechnic and Technology was established in 2010 as a Technical education unit of XISS, located at Bargawan, Namkom, Ranchi. It was developed with a vision to be recognized as a renowned learning institution for technical education by providing state-of-the-art tutelage that will foster students’ overall development. XIPT has tread towards grandeur and brilliance over the last 10 year.